Презентации от Форум на високо равнище за цифровото земеделие „Заедно за силно цифрово земеделие“

04. 05. 2018

Презентации от Форум на високо равнище за цифровото земеделие „Заедно за силно цифрово земеделие“


Форумът се проведе от 18 до 20 април 2018 г. в София, в рамките на програмата на Българското председателство на Съвета на ЕС.




High Level Forum on e-agriculture “2gether 4 Strong Digital Agriculture”



Expert panel discussion 20 April 2018


Learning from experience: How to unleash the innovation potential of the digital technologies? (moderated panel discussion with practitioners from academia, farmers, business and civil society from EU, Turkey and Western Balkan countries, including EC and FAO with several opportunities for questions from the audience) 

Moderator: Svetlana Boyanova, Chairperson of Institute for Agrostrategies and Innovations




Ana Cuadrado Galván, European Commission, DG AGRI

Herve Dupuy, Deputy Head of Unit in DG Cnect, European Commission, Wifi4EU initiative


Jan Droge, Director at Broadband Competence Offices Support Facility


Grigoris Chatzikostas, IoF2020 project


Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General, COPA-COGECA


Prof. Dimitar Trajanov, Head of Department of information systems and network technologies" at Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering - ss. Cyril and Methodius University –Skopje, Social Innovation Hub, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


Prof. Petrit Dobi, Single Window service for farmers, Albania


Dr. Nikola Trendov, Godollo University, Hungary: A regional V4 project on digital skills


Nevena Alexandrova – FAO


Workshop 19 April 2018

Introductory presentations on the e-agriculture and agricultural innovation concepts


Purpose: Provide the audience with a broad background on e-agriculture, its opportunities, challenges and regional context, as well as the concept and initiatives of agricultural knowledge and innovation systems.


The role of e-agriculture in the context of global and regional challenges (Nevena Alexandrova-Stefanova, FAO)


Digital agriculture in Europe, state of play (Louis Mahy, DG AGRI, EC)


Status of implementation of e-agriculture in Europe, including Western Balkans (Dr. Mihály Csótó, National University of Public Service, Hungary)


EIP-AGRI innovation approach: (Pacome Eyenga, Team Leader EIP-AGRI Service Point)



Interactive session 19 April 2018


Interactive session: How to boost the agricultural innovation through digital technologies ?


EIP Operational Groups:


Software to improve management in livestock cooperatives, Spain


Precision Irrigation: Control of additional water use in crop production – situational, site-specific and automated, Germany


SEMS: Smart Economic Monitoring Systems of production and operation costs related to precision and high mechanisation, Italy


Increasing the viability of sown biodiverse pastures through optimisation of phosphate fertilisation, Portugal


Agricultural business development with intelligent data analytics, Finland



Other innovative projects and initiatives:


Regional platform on e-agriculture for Europe and Central Asia: Dr. Laszlo Papocsi, Hungary


Forestry information system in Kosovo : Naser Krasniqi


ReCAP - organic production and certification platform:  Grigoris Chatzikostas, Innosense



Side event presentations




NIK Agro


Breed XY


Improving sustainability of field crop production by integrating remotely collected data - Assoc. Prof. Bojin Bojinov – Head of Department of Genetics and Plant breeding, Agricultural University of Plovdiv